Vocabulary Fall List #3
coherent- logical and consistent
eschew- to avoid
acquisitive- interested in money, often greedy
emulate- imitate in effort
banal- boring or ordinary
excoriation- criticize severely
congeal- solidify
carping- diffuicult to please
substantiate- prove the truth of
temporize- avoid in making a decision
largesse- giving away money
tenable- capable of being maintained
insatiable-impossible to satisfy
reconnaissance- military activity
germane- relevant
ramify- to divide into branches
intransigent- not agreeing on something
taciturn- reserved
eschew- to avoid
acquisitive- interested in money, often greedy
emulate- imitate in effort
banal- boring or ordinary
excoriation- criticize severely
congeal- solidify
carping- diffuicult to please
substantiate- prove the truth of
temporize- avoid in making a decision
largesse- giving away money
tenable- capable of being maintained
insatiable-impossible to satisfy
reconnaissance- military activity
germane- relevant
ramify- to divide into branches
intransigent- not agreeing on something
taciturn- reserved
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