Chapter 1:
1. What was Nick referred as in college because of the fact that he was such a reserved person?
2. Does Nick seem happy having to go threw the steps his past relatives took? (same school, same career, etc...)

Chapter 2:
1. Who's Tom having an affair with and what's she like?
2. Tom took his time to go to New York to see his other women, why do you think he's cruel enough to break her nose while he's there?

Chapter 3:
1. Why does Nick observe Gatsby so much?
2. Gatsby looks like he has parties but with people he doesn't know, why is it that he talks to Nick out of all people and when it wasn't even him who personally invited him to the party?

Chapter 4:
1. Do you think Jordan got called in to talk to Gatsby because he wanted to ask the same question he asked Nick?
2. What question did Gatsby not want to ask Nick and why?


  1. 1. Nick was accused of being a politician, he mostly payed attention to little details or all details that were unimportant to the "Normal" society.
    2. Honestly Nick doesn't really seem happy or interested, he says " all my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep-school and i finally said "Why ―ye-es"with very grave, hesitant faces.

    1. Tom has an affair with Myrtle , she was in her middle thirties, a little fat, and revealing flesh " as some women do.
    2. He is cruel enough to hit her on the nose, perhaps because he doesn't want Myrtle to talk about daisy, maybe it's frustrating to him that everyone always talks to him about daisy and he probably just wants to spend time with her without someone reminding him about Daisy. Or maybe because he doesn't want to be remind all the time that he cheats.

    1. Nick observes Gatsby so much because he is very wealthy and how s it possible that he affords all those parties.
    2. He is interested in daisy, Both Daisy and Gatsby had something going on before daisy got married, he maybe is aware that Nick is related to Daisy.

    1. i don't understand your question can... you explain to me your question. thank you
    2.Nick did not want to ask him for the favor of inviting Daisy to have some tea together... Gatsbys' intention was to meet up with Daisy.


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