Fahrenheit 451 Essay

     When we began reading Fahrenheit 451 I didn't know what to expect but as we read I noticed the similarities from the book to things that are happening at the time in the year of 2018. It's put clearly when the start emphasizing the problem that the television or as they said "parlour walls" were bringing. The popularity of the parlour walls were such an issue because people were so into watching the television instead of realizing there surroundings and what was going on and what really happened in the real world. Everyone was so tuned into a nonexistent world even Montag, yes the guy who becomes a fugative because he hides books. The dynamic change Montag has is obvious and is a big change as well. I think the eye opener was Clarisse, she was a person who actually saw the real world, who actually seemed to have feelings and I say seemed to have feelings because Montags wife appeared to have none.
     As the story goes on you see Montag change and as he changes he starts to realize how much the televisions are affecting people and in real life they affect people too so much in fact that they don’t realize there surroundings at times. Bradbury also mentions the earphones and thoes are doing in my opinion the same or even more damage to people because they’re locked into some loud world and can’t hear there surroundings and sometimes the things people say could be important.


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