My Learning was Lit AF

This year I learned and I applied them as I read some pretty great stuff:
allusion: An allusion is a reference in a story or any type of literature that shows something that'll help you with future references. An example of that could be from The Pedestrian where it starts off by saying how everyone was so into there TV's and in the end the "police" arresting Ray was virtual as well so that started off that way to show at the end how advanced the technology really was.
plot: A plot is a sequence of events and it's original format is like the exposition, rising action, climax, etc.. I feel like sometimes the order can be different in other stories to prove a point or even in movies or TV shows. For example I watched a show called Riverdale and it started off with the Climax.
Theme: It could be like the main idea of the whole thing or the message that it has kind of similar to the main idea. Themes can always be love, terror, comedy, etc.
Diction: The words the author uses to send a message out there.
Syntax: The way the author chooses the words to form a statement.
indirect characterization: That is when a character is being described but without using obvious words like there descriptions that you have to think about.
direct characterization: For this one it's the total opposite of indirect because they just tell you straight up like for example: The man was fat.
Static character: It's a character who stays the same throughout the whole story for example Tom in The Great Gatsby when he stays being the same dick the whole time.
dynamic character: A character who changes like Nick when his opinion about Gatsby slowly changes and at the end he thinks totally different than he did in the beginning.
Symbolism: an object place or thing that represents more than what it appears to be for example the books in Fahrenheit 451 the books could've symbolized the happiness Montag had when he read them it could also mean reality to him not just books.
synecdoche: it's a figure of speech for example: I like your wheels. Meaning I like your car.


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