The Guy Who Couldn't Buy Happiness

          Joseph, 5 years young, alone, desperate to find love, to find happiness, abandoned by the people who gave him life is finally getting adopted. After being left in the streets, picked up by a social worker and placed into an orphanage he was finally getting a family. A happy couple looking for a kid to brighten there lonely lives, Mr. & Mrs. Hills. Joseph was happier than he has ever been, he was given the life he wished for he was happy and felt loved. Now fast forward to 19 years later when he's a married man, Sophia Miller was the lucky women, a gold digger, a young beautiful girl on the outside but rotten in the inside. She made him happy though and that's what he wanted, to be happy. He had only been married for 6 months and dated for 9 months, Joseph likes to move fast. Joseph was a rich man hence the fact why he was married to a gold digger. He was kind, always happy and had a great personality but he was afraid. Afraid? Afraid of what you may ask. Afraid of putting himself out there, he liked to lay low because he feared that if he was out there someone would envy him and want to ruin him and his happiness. Little did he know his nightmare would come true.
          It all began on a trypical day, Joseph was usually working late, but he decided to come home a little early to surprise his wife with news of him selling another of his great ideas. He sold his ideas because he was afraid, as I said before, of growing off of his own ideas so he sold them and got good money. He went home, hung his coat, heard a strange noise so he slowly tip toed to where the noise was coming. Every step made the noise louder, louder, & louder until he finally saw. Saw his wife with another man. He felt his heart drop and shatter into ten thousand pieces. He was a calm man and kind but this time he wasn’t so calm. He yelled at her so loud and with so much force that you could see the veins on his forehead pop, and his face turned bright red. Sophia’s face was full of fear and regret with tears rolling down her eyes, she ran out and he never saw her again besides hearing from her lawyer. He was a prideful and stubborn person too, he was a lot of things but he wasn’t stupid. The divorce took a lot of money and when everything was done she took half his money. He didn’t care about the money but he was distracted and couldn’t think of any ideas anymore so he couldn’t think of ideas meaning money wasn’t coming in anymore. He would stay in the office with a blank page opened up. Blank, blank, blank it’s almost as if he gets hypnotized by the blank page because he looks at it and barely blinks and never looks away until he hears a ring. The phone rings, he picks up, & answers. He drops the phone on the ground and runs out the office to his car, as he runs his eyes water and he tears up it’s almost as if his tears run down faster than his legs. His parents had died in a car crash.
           One tragedy after the other. His happiness is slowly disappearing in a matter of days. A few days later he drives up to his parents funeral. He turns on the radio because things were quiet and he didn’t like it. A radio commercial was on : “Are you sad? Do you feel as if your life is falling apart? Do you want to be happy? No problem! We can help with a small charge of $500! You wish, we grant.” The radio commercial had caught his attention 100%. I know what your thinking, how dumb. Who would believe a radio commerical? $500? A wish? But Joseph was a desperate man, now 25, and he would do anything to be happy. He wrote the number down. Didn’t call the first day. Didn’t call the second. Thought about it the third day. Finally he called the forth. Some weird lady named Evanora answered and talked prices, directions and it was all set up for the next day. He couldn’t sleep all night, he did sleep but for 2 hours then the sun came out and he drove out to Evanoras place. He took the little money he had without caring and then he finally arrived to this sketchy abandoned looking house. He slowly crept up and know he’s unsure but sure of what he was doing. She opened, a grey haired small little lady, and lead him to a dark room. He followed and sat on a chair in front of a table then she sat right across. They began speaking and she got to know him first and after she felt ready she asked what his wish was. We all know what his wish was. He wanted to be happy. She did her witchcraft and he left feeling the same but broke. He waited and wait and waited until one day he met a girl, Emma. For some reason this girl made him happy very very happy. His happiness had arrived. They dated and got married, like I said he liked to move fast. She motivated him to put himself out there and so he did. He grew off his own ideas and got big. He became so rich he could buy 10 of the biggest houses.... in every state.
          He had become happy again, he went from sad to happy to sad and now happy again. They went on with there lives she was perfect for him. He worked at home meaning he had plenty of time for her and they were planning on when to have kids already. Life sometimes is to good to be true and it was. You can’t always be happy. One day Joseph fainted and was rushed to the hospital. He had cancer. Yes cancer, that deadly sickness. To be true with you Joseph didn’t care so much because he was with someone who loved him and made him happy. Wrong. She left. She was scared and she felt like she was young and didn’t want to take care of a sick man. What a bitch. Now back to where we started, Joseph was depressed again, that certainly didn’t help his health and so he died. He tried striving and looking and even bought happiness but the truth really is that money can’t buy happiness as much as you want it too.
Moral of the story: Don't be a cheater like Sophia, money can’t be you happiness and don’t be a bitch like Emma.


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