
Showing posts from September, 2017


S- What i want to accomplish overall is becoming a makeup artist but for right now i want to know where to begin and what the right steps are to getting closer to that. M- When i will know that i accomplished my goal is when i can dee myself actually as a makeup artist because right now i say that’s who i want to be but i can’t really actually picture myself as one because i don’t know what to do or where to start.  A- The goal can be accomplished by researching programs/classes or even schools for after high school that i can attend.  R- I feel like it is worth working hard for because it’s what i like to do and i feel like i’d be happy living off of what i love to do, although it does look like we get paid little i can always go to the top and do more than just do people’s makeup. I feel like i can grow from this.  T- This goal will be accomplished by June, 2018.

Vocabulary Fall List #3

coherent- logical and consistent  belabor-argue  eschew- to avoid acquisitive- interested in money, often greedy emulate- imitate in effort banal- boring or ordinary  excoriation- criticize severely  congeal- solidify  carping- diffuicult to please  substantiate- prove the truth of  temporize- avoid in making a decision  largesse- giving away money tenable- capable of being maintained  insatiable-impossible to satisfy  reconnaissance- military activity  germane- relevant  ramify- to divide into branches  intransigent- not agreeing on something  taciturn- reserved 

Vocabulary: Fall List #2

Faith  - to believe Threshold -  a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway Tarry - to linger or stay longer  Resolve - to find a solution too  Discern - to recognize something  Martyr - a person who is killed because of there religious belief  Mirth - amusement, most likely to be expressed in laughter  Catechism - church school  Pious - very religious  Frenzy - uncontrolled excitement 


          School is on my mind. No, obviously not because of good reasons. I ask myself, is school really that  necessary, not just school in general but all the subjects that you NEED to take in order to graduate. I find it to be a waste of time that i have to take an amount of years for every subject, i really don't care about science or history enough to take 2 years of them. Why can't we just decide whether we need science or history etc for our later on careers.           Being forced to take classes i don't care about makes school so much less interesting like if it wasn't boring to begin with. An example of how some subjects are just not necessary to begin with is that i want to be a makeup artist or hairstylist something in that department because you don't need to be educated as much like if you wanted to be a lawyer, point is i really hate school and i like doing makeup so yeah. I don't think while i'm working with a client i'd be getting aske