
Showing posts from January, 2018

Notes on today’s lecture

Ethos: it’s a message,  could be para verbal and non verbal  Pathos: contains passion, emotion, power, empathy & compassion it could be para verbal and non verbal Logos: expository and persuasive verbal and non verbal 

Socratic Seminar Notes Pt. 2

We can’t take away  experiences   you can’t take away the creativity everyone has   people are afraid to express themselves because they’re afraid they’re going to be judged   there’s always going to be a time when you’re uncomfortable   there’s little things that can make you feel relaxed for example, a sounder can make you feel relaxed by just looking at it  if you want to be comfortable you’ll have to be uncomfortable for a while until you can finally feel comfortable and even then you will sometimes feel uncomfortable because that’s life 

Socratic Seminar Notes

The album Graceland was about a bunch of songs that were strange at the time because genres were mixed of course because he did it with the people from South Africa    The album built a bridge between the African and American culture  Phones are a distraction and make interacting with people harder than it should be, some people may use their phones because there shy and don’t want to but some just like using it and it interferes with there knowledge on interacting with others  Sometimes it’s easier to talk to somekme behind a screen then in person  A culture is how you are and what you believe in and it can make someone from another culture uncomfortable for example Lesley made an example about El DΓ­a de Los Reyes and how his friend felt uncomfortable because it wasn’t part of his culture 

The Gift of the Magi

The thing that intrested me about the story was the little summary, that’s the first thing I read before and that decides everything. I like how it caught my attention because I like stories like that. The thing that happened in the story was that this woman named Della was saving up for months to buy the perfect  Christmas gift for her husband Jim but she only had $1.87 and she was looking for ways to get more money so she thought of cutting her hair and selling it and her husband was thinking of ways to get money to buy her her perfect Christmas gift as well so he sold his watch.  The only problem here is that Jim  sold his watch and Della had bought him a gold chain to replace his old strap of leather that he had and  Jim bought her a set of expensive cones for her hair but she cut it off. I feel like the theme here is love  and overcoming obstacles to make someone else happy because that’s what they did they went through the obstacle of not having enough money to buy them the perfe


What I hope to accomplish is that I have explored enough to understand what I’m going to be doing in the future and that I know what roads I’m going to take in order to become a cosmetologist.


I can explore my big question by looking further into the history of cosmetology. I’m sure there’s some research into makeup and how the trends got spread. I know I won’t find a biography about the first person who thought of putting stuff on her face that says why she did it but there’s things like facts that can help me explore more.


This question benefits me into knowing more about what I’m intrested in and getting to understand it more. I feel like if I understand it more I can really get something out of it and use it to my advantage. I don’t see how my big question can help the world but it can help me.


I got intrested in this topic because i had watched a couple of videos on youtube that show the phases of makeup throughout the years and it’s really interesting watching how people would do there makeup then from now. Although those videos really had me thinking and they really caught my attention i never thought i can make a big question out of it until Preston helped me build my thoughts up into a question. That little help really had me thinking and i came up with my BIG QUESTION.


My big question is something I came up with, with the help of Dr. Preston, using my interests. I’m intrested in cosmetology and cosmetology is about makeup, hair and stuff like that but I never really thought of who really began all that. I never really thought of what that one person was thinking when they thought of putting stuff on there face to in a way “look better” or for whatever reason they did it and that’s what i wonder, why they did it. It interests me because i wanna know more about the one thing i’m intrested in doing when i’m older and as a career even.