
Showing posts from May, 2018


What I did during the 4 day weekend is work on my Master Piece Academy and although it doesn't look like a lot of work I spent most of it thinking about it because originally it was about technology and that wasn't what I was fully interested in so I changed it to a topic I cared about and although I'm going to be talking about it in a few minutes I want to say that I changed it because it's something huge happening every minute and it affects us in the way we think and the way we act and you can either adjust to it in whatever way it fits in your life and how you live I'm not saying to change for the bad either but change so you won't be left in the past. I also spent the little time I had left thinking about what I'm going to write about and I think I have a good start and I know that once I start I will just continue to flow with ideas.


To me for example when I see memes there either really funny or not at all. I feel like I’ll laugh at something dark when I’m alone but never when I’m with people atleast with the people I don’t know, I also make very dark jokes at times and it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m a bad person that’s just the way my sense of humor works. But then it’s confusing because some people could make dark jokes and it’ll bother me so I guess the only dark jokes that are funny are mine. People also find videos of where people get hurt because they fall and that’s not funny at all for some reason at least to me like yea if a baby falls but I know it doesn’t hurt them, they just cry cause they got scared, then it’s funny but things that I know actually HURT are not funny. Things like that just make me feel second hand pain and don’t get me started with things that make me feel second hand embarrassment like I really wish I thought things that made other people embarrassed would be funny because I hate the


From what i’ve seen I think I want to go a different way with this, because I feel like I don’t want to do a fully researched topic, I want to do a power point based off how I feel and what I’ve seen because I don’t want to bore myself or the crowd not that their presentations were boring they were interesting because the topics they chose were well thought out but they need to really speak louder.


(I forgot my notebook at home so I’m going to type it here) So am I looking into the past or future and I am forsures looking into the future. I’m really stressed out about 2 of my classes right now and i’m dreading the end of the year to come already!! I want to be stress free because it really is true that this year is the most stressed out year maybe other won’t agree but I sure do. I want to go home and not worry about doing homework or about having to wake up early which I probably will do because I’m doing to work but I don’t care because it’s not school. All I do is think about summer when I feel like I can’t anymore like for example last night I had to do a cooking project for spanish afternoon having had worked all day and i still had to shower so I did then i was relaxed but I remembered I had history homework and I REALLY REALLY REALLY didn’t want to do it but I did it because that’s one of the classes I’m stressing out about and if I really want to pass even with a D i’m g


I like the master piece academy presentation Adriana and Kasandra did because they talked about a topic that does need to be talked about more than ever now because social media right now is ALL about flexing your money and by flexing I mean showing off. It’s so annoying in my opinion because they show all their money but why does that matter? Why not show all the good things you can do with it instead of all the weird places you can put your money in to take it out and pretend to casually carry 10,000 dollars around just for an instagram video. I think it’s great if either one of Kassandra or Adriana actually carry on with the topic in their future and make an organization to prevent bullying I don’t know, anything to stop bullying one step at a time.

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

     When we began reading Fahrenheit 451 I didn't know what to expect but as we read I noticed the similarities from the book to things that are happening at the time in the year of 2018. It's put clearly when the start emphasizing the problem that the television or as they said "parlour walls" were bringing. The popularity of the parlour walls were such an issue because people were so into watching the television instead of realizing there surroundings and what was going on and what really happened in the real world. Everyone was so tuned into a nonexistent world even Montag, yes the guy who becomes a fugative because he hides books. The dynamic change Montag has is obvious and is a big change as well. I think the eye opener was Clarisse, she was a person who actually saw the real world, who actually seemed to have feelings and I say seemed to have feelings because Montags wife appeared to have none.      As the story goes on you see Montag change and as he changes

Fahrenheit 451

The last part I remember reading is when Montag and Millie were reading and he was realizing what Clarisse meant. That’s what I remember Im not 100% sure.